My question for the last week and a half has been, “What exactly is a human being designed to be or grow into then?”
I asked myself, “Are you talking about self improvement potential?”
Answer: No, I don’t think that’s it.
Question: “Then what are you talking about?”
Answer: Well… look at it.
Look at the animal kingdom. That Lion, that king of beasts, is designed to turn out into being one thing, and one thing only… a lion. And for good reason. He is designed like that, to turn into that, because of other lions. He fits in.
He doesn’t wake up one morning, all anxious and depressed because he never got to play shortstop for the New York Yankees. He’s a lion for cryin’ out loud.
Or, look at the plant kingdom, and the Mighty Oak. Sure, it starts out small, one of thousand, and with a little luck a squirrel never finds him and digs him up, but… once allowed to rest in the ground for awhile, his design is readily seen as soon as he pops out of the ground, with a three inch shoot having a very distinguishable oak leaf, only one mind you, hanging tenaciously to the only sprig on that shoot.
And anyone who passes by says, “You will be a Mighty Oak someday, no doubt!”
Now, look at people.
You can’t say that about people.
Even in their original homogeneous groups, clans and tribes… no two people turn out the same.
Even from the same tribe… no two the same.
Even from the same family… no two the same.
You look at a lion, and instantly know that THAT! is a lion.
You look at that Mighty Oak and instantly know that THAT! is an oak.
And without thought, you will know by their design… what it is they are to do with their life. One produces shade and acorns and one produces lion cubs. You can tell that just by looking at their design.
You can’t tell “by design” what a person is supposed to do with their life. Me mine. Or you yours.
I am supposed to be a writer, with a self imposed deadline for two articles every week, which are to help me, to someday, become a “professional” writer… that is “by design” if you will, as I look to “success books and templates” on how to “become” that.
But that doesn’t answer my question then on a biological level of, “What is a human being designed to be?”
We, as a species, do not fit, into any of the other “kingdoms” animal or otherwise that are found on Gods green Earth. [Don’t even get me started about the oceans, out there, that is all alien to us.]
As a human being we grow and mature into an adult human being… and having learned some type of survival skills, yes survival skills, even in our modern age, so that we don’t starve or freeze to death. You can call it work; art; vocation; robbery; inheritance; or “just getting by” but you do. You survive every day.
But you “learned” that. That doesn’t mean you were designed for that.
So last week, I started the research for this article, and very rapidly, thought I had my answer. But…
But I felt “compelled” to keep researching because the research was going so smoothly and I was learning things at every turn.
Then it came crunch time for the deadline… I didn’t have my usual time windows last week, as I worked extra hours at work, but I had a slight window, so I said to The Holy Spirit, “If this is me procrastinating for some reason, please stop me, if it’s you, I trust you will lead me somewhere I need to be.”
Then I woke up the next morning feeling crappy, and a touch out of breath, and at my wife’s behest, went in to be checked over. Yep. It finally came back “positive” for Covid.
To be honest that funny breathing thing is what made me go in. The Dr said, “It’s a mild case so far, here’s what you do now.” Handed me a stack of instructions and down the road I went.
Between bouts of sleep I was able to get a little research reading done, here and there, but always moving forward and learning.
I said I thought I figured it out right away, last week, which I did, which was… “We are conduits for God.”
What do I mean by that?
Some say we are his hands and feet in the world as we learn to help others.
It’s actually much more than that.
Our DESIGN has us built to PROCLAIM Him to the world.
I stuck with the biological aspect of my question and here is what I found.
We are built with neurotransmitters that have to fill a gap with either an electrical impulse or a chemical messenger for our nerves, muscles and cells, in order for any body messages to be conveyed. Like, the wink of an eye, to tap a toe, sing a song or… run from a lion!
The bible mentions “a gap” a few times. And always because something is missing, and in one instance God was looking for “someone” to stand in the gap.
Our very bodies are made up of tiny gaps. That are there on purpose to transfer a message from our brain to some other part of our body. These gaps are very similar in design to the gap found on a spark plug.
I settled on the word “proclaim” and ran with that, it came up as I learned how a speaker, microphone and sound board work together to get the sound out and squelch the squelch. Funny thing, even they, to work the best, have to have a certain gap between them.
Now I know what you might say, “Dave, we all can’t be speaking ministers, that’s not our gift.”
Righto! But that’s not what I’m saying.
I’m saying, as by design, we are Gods messengers, whether we speak words or not, we are designed to proclaim HIM.
But unlike a lion or mighty oak… people can’t just look at us and see, from our design that we are proclaiming Him.
I wish I could show you all of the research reading I’ve been doing, all the questions I asked of The Holy Spirit, it has been quite the week for me.
My personal lesson in all of this was learning to HEED the Holy Spirit as he led me. Like a nervous horse responding to a calm and confident horse trainer.
And once I did that, here is what he showed me. From a famous daily devotional, famous in Christian circles, written by Oswald Chambers called “My Utmost for His Highest”. Monday’s devotional in the book, it is just dated…
January 31st “Our calling is not primarily to be holy men and women, but to be proclaimers of the Gospel of God.”
Ok, I hear ya, I hear ya.
We humans struggle with what we are. I believe mostly, because we do not know what we are designed to be, or do, with this life we have been given. Someone will say, we are designed to be “A good person,” or “a good human being”, but we are, just like our very own bodies are, made up of so many layers that we never truly get to those layers that allow us to feel “satisfied” in and of ourselves.
And what are we to proclaim? What is Gods gospel? A better life? A better understanding? Less suffering?
It is the redemptive ACT, that Jesus, His son, committed on the cross… FOR me, and you.
That’s it. That’s the message we proclaim.
And THAT! is by design.
So we get to live out Gods words found in Isaiah 6, “Whom shall I send…” And in the tiny gap of stillness created by that question, we can stand up and say, “Send me…” it’s what I’m designed to do.”
Ask yourself, “Am I a true believer in Jesus Christ? How would I know? Do I want to be? Do I agree or disagree with Dave and his information he presented about our inherent design?”
Then say, “What I believe about Jesus is this… what I believe about the bible is this…” [and write it down so you can see it on paper what you feel your current belief is]
Rich Engle says
Thank you Dave for proclaiming Jesus.
Praying for your complete recovery from Covid.
Bless you Brother…..Rich