An observation. At 4:15 in the a.m., in my experience, and being the loudest in the springtime is our state bird of Wisconsin, the Robin. She is so loud out my window and it is still so dark. Not even a hint of the sun…
Post It Note: Monday May 29th 2017 To Judge a Manuscript Before It's Done Is Like...
Looking at my life: as a book, it would be in an incomplete manuscript form, if you looked at it now it would only have my youth in it, and reading it, you would say, “Throw that in the trash, that’s awful.” But maybe, just…
Just a Thought… Post It Note
Are the the things we want to do for God like refrigerator art the kid’s bring home from school?
The Story is About the Journey A writers thought
My thought is this. A story is not about the arrival. A story is about the journey getting to the arrival. For example, our family has a hunting cabin up North. It’s a bit rustic and a great place to get away from it all.…
Post It Note: The Writing Convention A Story Idea
Writing exercise. Story idea: At the Writing Convention (said) I “said” Â Â Â Â he “said” Â she “said” then I “said” Â Â Â Â they “say” Â Â who “said” then his buddy “said” Â Â Â Â Â but she wouldn’t “say”…
Post It Note: A Quotable Quote "Ah, young grasshopper, you are now the teacher?"
I have recently had my faith renewed in the younger generation. Two people I work with fall into this category and they are refreshing in their attitudes, demeanor and work ethics. Both are professed Christians. Both are capable of looking you in the eye and…
Post It Note: Ideas Need Work
Ideas are like abs. We all have them, but some are undeveloped. Some are covered in a layer of fat. And some become truly defined! Put in the work.
Post It Note: Feeling Like a Sprout How does One Succeed In Moving Past His Historical Social Script
Writing and talking out loud to myself helps to work out the kinks of thought I go through. Sometimes it’s like trying to smooth out a piece of used tinfoil. I consider the exercise my personal windmill. Just go at it! I am feeling like…
Post It Note: Whistle While You Work and Practice What You Preach Faithfully Returning
A quick Post It Note: I have a philosophy about being faithful and being obedient. Today I get to practice what I preach by doing both at the same time. God has shown me my writing is a part of the ministry He has for…
Post It Note: Spurgeon Expounds Habits, Discipline and Excuses
Reading Psalm 78; it references turning back. The Spurgeon Archives Charles Spurgeon on turning back. A few short excerpts. “To throw away the time of conflict is to throw away the crown. Oh simple heart! Oh silly heart! To be afraid of suffering! You are, in…