Skip Moen article continued…
“I know I should spend time in the morning reading my Bible and listening to God, but. . .
I want to pray more, but. . .
I know I need to spend time with the ones who are suffering, but. . .
I wish I could take a few minutes to meditate on His word, but. . .
I really want to get together with true friends, but. . .
I need to attend the weekly small group study, but. . .
The “but” list is long.
The kid’s have practice
The car needs gas
The laundry isn’t done
The conference call lasted longer
The hairdresser took forever
The reports had to be done again
The refrigerator was empty
The dog got sick
The bills were due
The gym was crowded
You can easily add more to the “but” list.
Martha is trying. Lord knows she is trying. She is trying to keep all the balls in the air at the same time. She is trying to meet all of the expectations at once. She is trying to breathe in and out at the same time. She is trying to be the First Century Super Mom.
Martha knew what was needed to make her guest feel at home. She poured herself into the tasks with one goal in mind—to please Yeshua. She was the one who welcomed the Lord. Now she wanted everything to be “just perfect.”
But something happened in her zeal to make everything right.
There was a shift in attitude. And that’s the rest of the story.”
Topical Index: welcome, hupodechomai, breathe, periespato, Luke 10:38, parakathezomai
For the rest of the story, and many more like it, read ‘Jesus Said to Her’, available here.