Studying Psalm 51
Monday February 6th 2017
I was reminded of the condition of my heart.
I had a broken heart when God called me but when he applied the salve of Jesus and the healing gauze of His word my heart was healed.
I was like a small child walking up to his father with a broken toy, offering it up as a peace offering.
I offered him a broken heart because that is all I had.
Like the lyrics to The Little Drummer Boy,
“Little baby
Pa rum pum pum pum
I am a poor boy too
Pa rum pum pum pum
I have no gift to bring
Pa rum pum pum pum
That’s fit to give our King
Pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum”
And now, He has turned my sorrow into joy!
As His child I can walk into the throne room anytime.
Here is how I picture it.
I am his child, I walk into the throne room with my nose in His book, The Bible.
And I just walk right up to him.
And all of heaven stops! And is quiet.
I look up and say, “Dad what does this mean here?”
He grabs me under the arms and sets me on His lap and says,
“What does it say?”
“Why don’t you read it out loud?”
I do.
Then he puts me back on the floor and I walk out, with my nose still in the book, but now talking to myself, muttering/meditating on God’s Word.
Then as I leave the throne room I see Jesus walking somewhere.
I show him the book and ask him to explain it to me.
And he says, “Follow me.”
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