Some of my thoughts and research you will see in my first book.
Thought: darkness separates us from God.
If separation then is the “CAUSE” of the darkness we experience, remove or change the cause, change the effect, that’s a rule, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, that’s a rule… end of thought.
A new action for you, from God’s word.
Isaiah 45:22
“Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth;
for I am God, and there is no other.”
Bible research on darkness from
The biblical view of darkness and light offers a unique contrast. There is no thought that darkness is equal in power to God’s light.
(my thought: you can see one candle, ten miles away, at night, with the naked eye, the darkness can not overcome it)
The absolute, sovereign God rules over the darkness and the powers of evil. This is evident in several ways.
First, God knows the darkness. He knows where it is ( Job 34:22 ) and what it contains ( Dan 2:22 ).
Second, God rules over the darkness because he created it ( Isa 45:7 ; cf. Amos 4:13 ; 5:8 ).
Third, God uses the darkness for his own purposes: to hide himself from the sight of men ( Psalm 18:11 ; 1 Kings 8:12 ) and to bring his judgment on evildoers ( Deut 28:28-29 ; Matt 8:12 ; 22:13 ), evil nations ( Eze 30:18-19 ), and false prophets ( Jer 23:12 ; Micah 3:6 ; Rev 16:10 ).
Finally, God rules over the darkness eschatologically. The time of God’s ultimate judgment, the day of the Lord, is portrayed in both the Old Testament and New Testament as a day of darkness   ( Joel 2:2 ; Amos 5:18 Amos 5:20 ; Zeph 1:15 ; Matt 24:29 ; Rev 6:12-17 ).
It is against this background that the emphasis on darkness in the crucifixion scene may be understood. Luke records, “it was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two” ( 23:44-45 ; cf. Matt 27:45 ; Mark 15:33 ).
While darkness often accompanies the conception of death in Scripture (cf. Job 10:21-22 ), darkness at the crucifixion scene displays God’s displeasure on humankind for crucifying his son. It also indicates God’s judgment on evil. But the torn curtain exhibits the opening of salvation to all through the death of God’s Son.
The Old Testament and New Testament describe the future of the ungodly in terms of eschatological darkness, symbolizing perdition ( 1 Sam 2:9 ;Matt 22:13 ; Jude 12-13 ). “Hell” and “pits of darkness” describe the fate of angels who sinned ( 2 Peter 2:4 ; Jude 6 ).
But for believers darkness will be dispelled by the presence of the light of the glory of God ( Rev 21:23-24 ; 22:5 ). It is only through the light of God in Jesus Christ that darkness can be dispelled.”
Michael J. Wilkins
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