The line in the movie goes, “every body needs somebody.. you, me them, every body, every body.”
In life the way God has it planned out through the pattern of a family the Mother and Father are the first and two most important people in your life.
Psalm 38:17, 18, 20
“For I am about to fall, and my pain is ever with me.”
“I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin.”
“Those who repay my good with evil slander me when I pursue what is good.”
And the first two people that you would have to fall back on for support when ‘people slander you’ would be your parents according to God’s word.
Being a parent is a huge responsibility.
How often do you see a kid who is spoiled rotten, misbehaving in public or just inept at respecting his elders?
Sound too old fashioned?
But then don’t you say after seeing such a child,
“Where is his parents?”
“They should do something about that.”
Truth is though, you know in your heart what’s going on. Those parents are usually wrapped up in themselves, don’t really know how to parent and were most likely running wild themselves when they were little.
I have five kids, and before ‘I am about to fall..’ from my high horse or you push me off, let me say this,
- I wanted to be a dad, desperately. I loved it.
- I was as not perfect and had to fight everyday in order to keep my old dirtiness from sticking to my kids, even moved out of my hometown on purpose to give them a chance at being themselves. Instead of another one of those kids.
But alas, some folks don’t want to be parents or are so consumed with survival that they do not have the energy to invest in the kid’s in order to give them a look at the world and convince them that they can have just about any place in it that they want given the right motivation and encouragement.
The world in the bible is considered to be fallen from a right relationship with God and so God’s plans are made crooked by our sinful natures, none of us get it exactly right but I know it does go a little better when you try to be the best parent you can be.
It’s not like you get an owners manual with those little buggers.
You can only copy what your folks did and try to improve where you feel they may have been a little or a lot lacking.
If you have gone through life adrift in the sea of possibilities with nary a captains call it can get quite stormy to say the least.
If you come to Jesus after being made alive by God the Father your first teacher Jesus brings you is the Holy Spirit and there is none better.
One of the things he teaches you is discernment, to be aware that God is working in your life always. He prepares you to receive other teachers, people that he puts in your life in order to confirm his path for you and for your particular field of endeavor.
God says if you search for him you will find him. Once you find him look for that person he places near you who will be a guiding force in your life. It doesn’t have to be a big huge thing, they don’t have to be a ‘father figure’ or anything like that, it may happen but just appreciate the relationship.
Like I appreciate a man God placed in my life to show me how to enter the field of my new endeavor, who provided the expertise to show me the path was real and accessible as he encourages me in my writing.
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