Before I get too far ahead of myself I would like to say what the overriding Goal for the year was.
I wanted to follow in my big brother Jesus’s foot steps. Like I did when I was a kid with my older brother Tony.
Yes, most successful people I read about have a morning routine. A small caveat here, everybody has a morning routine, it’s just that one may be a positive life building endeavor and the other get’s up five minutes before work and rushes off into the world. It is still a routine. You can argue and judge what positive or negative is till the cows come home. . . . . if you want to.
Jesus had a routine also, “as was his custom”, he would go off to pray, in the morning, well before daybreak.
New International Version Mark 1:35
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
I wanted my morning’s to start off with a solid hour of bible reading and I chose the book of Psalms to read from because that is what my big brother Jesus would quote from the most.
I committed to . . .
- 4:30 to 5:30 a.m. to sit in the quiet and to read the book of Psalms every morning for the YEAR.
Calendar quote: “Accept challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.”
Even though I had goals and was doing some stuff, some mornings, one of the ‘successful’ tips is to, “write it down”. I read a quote from Aristotle Onassis, on The Art of Manliness website, he said,
“Always carry a notebook & write everything down.
That is a million dollar lesson they don’t teach you in business school!”
– Aristotle Onassis
The other thing I committed to do in 2016 was to change my mind, if I thought I knew, I didn’t know as I ought to know, so I started to listen to the experts and do what they said to do or recommended. Lot’s of successful people use notebooks.
God wrote everything down. Not for Him but for us. Isn’t the book of Job, like, possibly the oldest book in the world??
I started to capture my mornings on my calendar. I have been writing for a while now and have always carried a small note pad or post it notes in my pocket at work. I just had to become more consistent, dedicated and persistent in capturing my mornings.
I am so glad I did! Looking back is a hoot!
Do you know what happens when you make a commitment like that?
God shows up! At least His Presence does!
It scares the crap out of you and you, “fall down as if dead” and your heart melts like wax!
On the 24th my note says, “Get up!, Out of bed!, SCARED TO!”
The 25th says, “uncomfortable in His presence, study His presence.”
But I have to say, now, what a GLORIOUS place to be!
I’m not gonna lie to people and say it is all happiness and roses after that. Life is still going on. He told the Israelite’s that they were entering a land full of peaks and valleys.
If your life looks like this _______________________
Instead of this ___/\___/\___/\___/\____/\_______
You are dead!
Remember there has to be two peaks in order for there to be a valley.
But I will say, once He reveals Himself in that way, you may come to understand the phrase, “I have been anointed with the oil of gladness.”
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