I have embarked out into the world via the internet sea, captain of my own ship http://davebosquez.com/
In search of a new life, a chance to see broad horizons, an opportunity to prove myself to myself and to spy out the truth.
The main current that I have chosen to run is called, ‘The Current of Remembrance’, keeping a captains log of Godly activity in my life, The Emerging Man Chronicling the lessons being taught to me by my Creator, so that I can recall those times where He showed up in my ordinary day in an extraordinary way.
The secondary current is much like the channel of the Mississippi River that Mark Twain once ran as a river boat captain. He wasn’t the first to run that channel and many before and since have tried to learn the bends, sand bars and oxbo’s of that particular body of water.
The secondary current which can be tricky to learn, quite fast in places and which has wrecked as many as it has helped over time is called ‘The Current of Success.’
Many men have travailed these waters. All plying their wit, courage and backs to navigate and learn these waters all the while steering their own ships of different size, power and sail trim.
To become, ‘Captains of Industry’, ‘Business Magnates’ or ‘World Renown Artists’.
Captains All!!!
But where did they start from, truly? Where?
It seems the deck was stacked against me from the start. As I progressed towards the distant docks and ships of life I was run afoul again and again. In a living tribute to George Bailey.
It is very difficult to discuss the past without disparaging my parents and family and God has told me, “tread lightly therein young man.”Â
Here are some things I inherited from my ancestors and dragged around with me in my personal baggage…
- a poverty stricken spirit
- an adulterous tendency
- a lack of brains
- the penchant to be discouraged
- a weak mental frame
- a depression / A personal Biblical Abyss of Darkness
- alcoholism
- a lack of practical skills
- a lack of purpose
- a mistrust of people, “Why? What do you want?”
- a lack of being a man
This has been my lot, this is what I have seen and have personal experience with, I have lived these things.
- I tried to compensate with work
- I tried……. period!
- And tried…. or so I think I have
- Everything I have done seems to have failed
- tried being an artist
- tried being a business owner, multiple times
- factory worker
- landscaper
- wild animal remover
- working with kids
- volunteer
I can not see any reward or pay off for the effort, thus far.
My Christian friends would say I am focusing on the wrong thing but when I ask them to explain what they mean they only use a memorized quote, something like from Ecclesiastes…
Ecclesiastes 12:13
“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter : Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”
Then I ask, “OK, which ones?” “HOW do I do that?”
That usually ends the conversation.
Knowing the Word and living the Word are two very different things.
“Oh Captain! My Captain!”
Lord, teach me and show me the truth. I believe in you and your word and trust in the character that I have come to know that you have and have shown me.
It is unfailing!
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