To fit like a glove?
To be a faster lane of traffic?
A Phillips head screw driver has an express purpose, you can see it… in it’s very specific design.
A flat bladed screw driver has an express purpose, and yet it’s visual design can lend itself to many a different interpretation of what that purpose might be.
For example, a flat bladed screw driver has also been used as a… paint scraper; a pry bar; a car hood prop rod; a paint stir stick; a car ignition; a hammer chisel; it’s been used to get a breath of fresh air into a house, and also as a shank to do a guy in, when he rats you out to the Feds… and for tightening a slotted wood screw that’s come loose in the bathroom door hinge.
For you, and me… we are both, all at once, designed like a Phillips head screw driver, AND a flat bladed screw driver… both… parts of the common design of humanity… and each of us having a very specific look to our individual design.
And… if your like me… you might even have one of those loose screws!
We tend to define our express purpose through a physical ability or talent.
I noticed it in two of my boys… one a baseball player at 18 months old, and the other “got the boogy-woogy in him, and it got to come out,” we noticed that when he was in the womb, when the music would come on he’d start jumping around, driving his momma crazy.
The one turned into a professional musician, and the other left college #1 in school history for games played.
But they are both so much more than their flat bladed humanity would let on… even if their specific Phillips head talents shined as big and bright as a Texas summer sunrise.
As for me, and my journey to re-branding land, I think my common flat bladed design of humanity has had some of the rough burrs and bends worked out of it.
My Phillips head specific design is on the assembly line, we have the shank, and handle in place… but the business end… isn’t carved out yet.
Here is where I think I am on my personal assembly line journey to re-branding… with my common humanity skill being- writing.
Being on that assembly line I’ve past through these departments, adding these skills & abilities to my blade design… author of books; blogger; article freelancer; pastor communicating Gods word; personal journaling; and personal health tracking.
The world would say, “So what Dave, nobody cares.”
And I’d tell the world… well, with some of those burrs taken off, I’ve learned I have the power, and authority… to not have to say anything.
I wonder if we really believe what the Bible says about… well, everything… really.
Is God who he says he is?
If he is, then what is the point of common humanity?
What is the point, or express purpose, of our specific individual design?
And if we were born to be a musician, and a guitar fits us like a glove… and we are made in His image… how do we fit into conforming with the likeness of his Son?
Glove like?
Or are we undetermined in our design, confused as to what we are… a Phillips or a Flat…
Or maybe you are one of those peculiar individuals of humanity who doesn’t believe in tools, and is getting through life using a butter knife for all of the above… believing there is no express purpose to any of it.
How would we fit if we truly believed in the spiritual battle nature of our obvious existence?
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