Reading Psalm 78; it references turning back.
The Spurgeon Archives
Charles Spurgeon on turning back. A few short excerpts.
“To throw away the time of conflict is to throw away the crown. Oh simple heart! Oh silly heart! To be afraid of suffering! You are, in fact, afraid of reigning with him, for you must do the one if you would do the other.”
“The sword of the spirit, the bow of prayer, the arm of faith.”
“If you lose the battle it is not for want of being armed, and if you desert from the ranks, it is not for the want of bows.”
I like these two next ones quite a lot.
“You will never be successful if you are afraid of being pelted.”
“We ought to stir up our remembrances (of God working in our life) of God’s loving – kindness, for if we do not it will soon be a powerful reason for our turning back in the day of battle.”
This makes me think of all the excuses we use to not do something. Today at church we listed all the things we know we should be doing. Everything from exercise to morning devotions. We know what the list is. We refuse to do those things. Those things that will change our situation.
Because why? Pick an excuse, any excuse.
It all boils down to the fact that we don’t want to give something up that provides a false sense of comfort in our life. Exercise is the big one. That is the one thing that provides energy for everything else and we absolutely refuse to do anything about our overweight, over obsessed eating habits because we believe the lies about it being hard and of no use.
Well it is hard, at first. But what no one tells you in a ‘normal’ way is how good you are going to feel once you do start and stick to it. They also don’t tell you it is easier if you have reality on your side.
As I continue to ‘Emerge as a Man’ I have been studying and implementing new habits that help me move forward and improve my life.
The one that has been coming up recently is ‘be professional’.
The definition of professional that I am using is this…
“A professional does the task, regardless if he wants to or not, regardless of if he likes it or not.”
I have applied this to my writing, when I don’t feel like writing or don’t think I have anything to write about, I tell myself,
“A professional writer would write something.”Â
It works. If I am going to be a writer, I need to BE a writer.
It also trains you to not turn back in the day of battle. If you got through yesterday, you can get through today and even look forward to tomorrow.
My goal for 2017 is to complete 120 posts by March 25th.
That means I need to write everyday.
Get on it!
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