In Wisconsin?
Every spring.
What about you? What about your personal foundation?
I have this “do over” “re-visit” “re-brand” thought recurring lately.
Time to “circle back” or better yet, take a walk around the foundation.
If Christ is my cornerstone, and is set, then how are the other stones doing?
One I feel like I have to re-visit, is the re-branding stone.
When I started my journey to “author-ville,” one of the first books I read was “Re-inventing YOU” by Dorie Clark.
It was the first to pop up when I started to look for information on how to change my mental outlook, as far as what “work” looks like.
Is writing work?
Sure as heck is. I know that now.
Then the term, “what is your personal brand” started to pop up, and the books subtitle… “Define Your Brand… Imagine Your Future.” Again, it helped me to get on the path to not only a new line of work… but also the path of my personal self discovery.
Helping me to answer the age old question of, “Who are you?”
One question she posed, “When should you reinvent yourself professionally?”
And two of her answers, made all the sense in the world to me…
- You’re at a new phase in life and you want to be known for something different.
- You’re changing careers and need to make a compelling case that your unusual background is an asset, not a liability.
Yes, I would like to be known for something else, as I’ve done the heck out of “unskilled laborer” and my “unusual background” is rife with “stories.”
Both mine and others. And I found out that I love writing them down.
“Hi, I’m Dave. I’m an author.” Has a nice ring to it.
“Yeah that was a good story. I got a million of em’. And if I don’t have one… I know you got some doozies!” That also has a nice ring to it.
If you are “searching” or feel “stuck” in life, maybe Dorie’s book(s) could help you too.
I like her description…
“This is a book about defining your goals, working hard and ethically to get there, and then making sure that people notice once you do.”
How are you feeling today?
It’s March, the snows melting… might be a good time to check your foundations.
As far as answering, my own question of… “Who are you?” I discovered other foundation stones, things that I know I am… I’m a dad…
A Definite Dad…
and An Emerging Man…
and a bird hunter.
Those stones all fit. Are in good shape. And are solid enough to build on going forward.
And that “unusual background” that I have, lines up with other writers, both past and present.
It seems having lots of jobs, and unusual experiences, and background, are a prerequisite for a writer… it is the well with which they drop the bucket into to pull up, and out, all those stories they love to write.
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