1 : serving to preserve remembrance : to commemorate
2 : of or relating to memory
As everything goes rushing by these days I found myself sitting here, going about my day, catching up on yard work, washing the dogs and doing laundry and thinking about memorial day.
What are we actually supposed to remember?
I know it’s to honor our fallen soldiers from all conflicts and to give a nod to those who are still alive and still serving.
My hat is off and my heart goes out to you… the service men and women who’s job it is to defend what we hold most dear… our freedom.
Freedom is a funny thing. Living with it in America we are spoiled with it. We have an abundance of it like no other place on earth.
And yet, what do we decide to use our freedom on?
In my journey on the road to success I have discovered a gentleman, a Mr. Darren Hardy, whose early morning, motivational video, has me thinking today.
He mentioned that we are the only species on the planet with the ability to decide not to produce to our full ability. He gave a few examples from nature and how the nature of the animal is to produce as much as they can because that is there instinct.
His point was that we are the only species who decides not to produce as much as we are capable of producing.
What does this have to do with Memorial day? Exactly!
Nothing. Stop and think for a moment. Have you and or your kids ever visited a cemetery on Memorial Day for the express purpose to place flowers or partake in a Memorial Day service to honor our fallen heroes?
I’m guilty too. We all are, to some degree. Unless you are a true blue American serviceman, who goes to honor his, or her, fallen, brothers in arms.
Instead the rest of us use it as a day off of work, a start to our summer, another excuse to drink beer for two or three days. Or to catch up on yard work.
Shame on us. Shame on me.
To all those who gave their life. To all those families who lost a loved one. To all those who are still giving their lives everyday.
I offer you my very humble… Thank You.
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