Daniel Chapter 9
“3Â So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.
23Â As soon as you began to pray, a word went out,”
As soon as you change your mind God is there.
In the fall of 2015 I had a doctor visit to start the process to see if I was able to donate a kidney to a friend of ours.
I did not end up making the list of possible donors but with the doctor visits and check ups I had a good picture of my health at the time.
I looked in the mirror and did not like what I saw. It was time to change my mind. I looked and felt like one of those garden slugs. I did not want to be fifty years old and round.
Then when I thought about it a little more I thought about what shape I would be in when the grand kids would start coming around.
2015 had seen me starting to read “How to be Successful” books like Stephen Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, Personal Help Library by George H. Knox 1909 and Health, Wealth and Happiness by Edward S. Ellis 1892.
I also used The Art of Manliness site by Brett and Kate McKay as a home base to sally forth from, using their posts to fuel my metamorphosis into “The Emerging Man”.
The start of 2016 I changed my mind from one of poverty and want to one of abundance and change. When you walk with God all you have to do is to reach out and take what he offers you. It is already there you need only to wait to have him reveal it to you.
Two things were prominent in all of the “success” info I researched.
- Successful people are more healthy on average it seemed
- Successful people have a morning routine set
I started there. Below is a picture of my January calendar 2016.
I like the quote top left of page, “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going”, I just noticed it now. How true that played out in 2016.
As you can see for yourself there is no record of what I accomplished for the month. Which wasn’t much.
Start to exercise! I used an article from AOM that talked about the Marine Corps entry level fitness test. It measures pull ups, ab crunches and a 3 mile run time for points and places you into one of three tiers.
I weighed in at 14 stone 1 pound or 197 good ole’ American pounds, almost 2 Hondo! No way! But I did.
Pull Ups = 0, nada, zip, zilch, none! I couldn’t budge my own body weight doing a Marine pull up. Hope I don’t fall out of the boat. I mean seriously, we’re talking about basic survival here.
Crunches = 32 in two minutes. egh!
3 mile run = ok, who are we kidding. I didn’t even do it. I incorporated jumping rope into my work out…………………
works for boxers.
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