She became exasperated, as the story goes, and realized she was being negative towards me when she would say, and got tired of saying, “DAVID DON’T!” And I was only 5. I don’t remember her saying, “David DON’T!” But she would tell me stories about…
Turning a Corner in Life? Can Be Emotional, Mind Your Street Signs!
When you are headed out on a life journey, maybe for the first time, on your own, the road you start out on is, in general, a familiar road that you have been on before… it is only when you’ve been on the journey for…
Apply it to the Guinea Pig: “I Am… He is Me.” Very much like my current “garage to shop” project… which is big and is clearing itself up; my personal improvement project, my “how to define success” project, my The Emerging Man project, my “learn how to be an author” project, and now learning more…
Learning Through Pain: Past and Present
Why do we think that it isn’t ok to mourn? The bible uses the word mourn; and the word lament; and the word grieve. Those words have a lot of pain attached to them. I truly appreciate the growth that the Lord has allowed me…