Re-branding yourself takes time, perseverance, and brings up belly feelings of being inadequate. I’ve been studying, and sharing, some biology information concerning our Vagus nerve. (It causes the butterflies) I had a recent opportunity to apply, and put into practice, the new information I’ve learned…
The Vagus Nerve Connected to the…
In a previous post I introduced the Vagus Nerve… and how it alerts us to external conditions (they can be real, like a lion, or only exaggerations in our mind) by giving us butterflies in our stomach. The way a Dr. could easily check to…
“Do You Have Butterflies In Your Stomach?”
My second oldest son and I were doing a wedding together. His cousin, my niece. It was one of my first ones as a pastor. As we were standing up in front of this old 100 year old barn, waiting for the guests to be…