Genesis 2:23-24
…23The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” 24For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife;and they shall become one flesh.
As you can see October was a lively month. Lots of ups, downs and all around’s!
Remember if your line does not go up or down, if it is a flat line…
Remember you are dead. Remember that.
Ups and downs are perfectly fine, those are God’s ways of letting you know where you are at.
It’s the all arounds that usually throw you off.
The pheasant opener was on the 15th.
My oldest son and I were able to get out opening morning for pheasant season. I haven’t gone on opening day before, I thought it would be too busy, but this year we were giving it a go.
Sure enough, the first spot we pulled into was loaded with hunters.
Try again.
The second spot was even fuller. It looked like a club outing or something. There were all kinds of dad’s, kid’s, grandpa’s, dog’s and uncle’s by the looks of it. Maybe even some dog’s uncles’.
Try again.
The third spot was close to the second spot so on our way out we swung in to check it out. It is a smaller access point on the edge of the state land and it is shaped like a piece of my favorite apple pie, like a triangle and kinda bumpy.
But who say’s perseverance doesn’t pay off?
As we pulled in to the parking area there was one walking across the road to get to a bird feeder at a nearby house and when we pulled into the parking area there was one sunning himself on a big grass hummock.
My son wanted to leave the dog in the truck and try to walk up on this one.
“OK”, I said. As I eased my gun outta it’s case too.
We both missed, one of those too good to be true set ups.
I would end up having a couple of those this pheasant season.
Oh well, back to the verse in the subtitle.
It became clear to me that today wasn’t just another day out hunting with my son. And Gibson the wonder dog.
He was preparing to leave town to travel five hours north to be with his fiance’.
We were talking about the move and how his job worked out that he would qualify for another transfer in six months so if his fiance’s job did not pan out they could move around a bit if needed because of his flexibility.
As we talked and hunted, I could see he was gearing up to leave mentally and emotionally.Â
I was watching my son, who already was a fine young man turning into a solid man, one willing to let go of everything he had going for him, to ‘leave his father and mother’, to be with his bride to be.
Some folks thought it was a bad idea. I would just remind them of this scripture. He was living it out.Â
He came home recently to visit and I have his mothers tears as witnesses that her little boy has left and a man has taken his place.
Everything became crystal clear at the end of the day, on the way back through town, when I asked him if he was hungry.
Note: he is always hungry, has been since the day he was born!
I said, “How about Burger King?”
He said, “That’s not what we do.”
I said, “OK, McDonald’s then.”
So what did he mean by that?
When my kid’s were little, after we went on some hunting, fishing, or trapping excursion I would stop at MickyD’s for some cheeseburger happy meals.
It turned into a thing and we did it a lot.
So we swung through one last time, together, after huntin’, and he got his Big Mac, cuz those little cheeseburgers wern’t gonna cut it no more!
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