As I aim to be a professional writer I have discovered when you are coming to the end, the ending is hard to finish strong.
As I review November a lot was going on.
My birthday, gun deer season, Thanksgiving, my mother in law had an episode at my house and ended up in the hospital, I started to write my ‘Emerging Man’ articles and I started to read the Psalms starting at Psalm 150 and working backward.
God revealed to me 1 Peter 5:2 “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be;”
So why can’t I think of anything to write about?
The month looks empty but that is only because I was so busy doing stuff.
I thought reviewing the year would be a good exercise in writing a series of post’s chronicling last year. Using the months as post’s allowed me some volume too, 12 months, 12 post’s.
I was also using them on purpose, to see if I could hit a deadline, stay committed and keep a theme going throughout for my readers to see the thread weaving it’s way in and out of each post in hopes they would all tie together at the end.
I feel like I am missing half of my shoelace as I write this post today.
But maybe like other exercise you usually hit a wall and plateau for a week or two until your training, diet and rest get all caught up and you get back on the beam and get after it.
So I have an opportunity to test my philosophy about faithfulness and obedience I think it holds water.
Before I share that thought though I found out today or better had it proved to me that there is nothing new under the sun.
I thought after much thinking, reading, writing and just plain pondering I had come up with an original quote.
Today I researched it and found out I wasn’t even close.
Here is ‘my’ quote: “Plan the work, work the plan”
Turns out it’s a pretty famous quote, attributed to Ben Franklin.
Now, I really thought I came upon that conclusion myself.
So today when I found that I did not I quoted King Solomon, “there is nothing new under the sun”, which got me thinking about my search for success.
My thought today, “There is nothing that is really original.”
I read an article about success that stated, “find a product or service and just make it a little better than what is on the market now and you would have a successful product”. There is truth in that.
My thought today settled on the fact that maybe we are not original in our thinking, even Edison was just copying the sun when he invented the light bulb, but that we are participants in whatever field of endeavor we choose to be in.
Maybe you are a baseball coach because you watched Tommy Lasorda and the Dodgers when you were little. You are not Tommy Lasorda but you like baseball, like ball players, like to play and like to teach the game. So you are participating in an endeavor that has been around a long, long time.
Now in the course of your career you may match Tommy’s accomplishments and so be mentioned in the same breath, but, again, you are not Tommy Lasorda.
I wonder, are the many coaches, in all leagues, successful because they are active participants?
Like the sayings go, “You win some and lose some” and “nobody wins em’ all”.
I am starting to think you can be faithful and obedient all at the same time.
Which is a little different than my initial philosophy.
I will have to investigate this ‘participating’ thought, it intrigues me!
Well for one who couldn’t think of anything to write…. over 600 word’s ain’t bad.
My writing coach always say’s, “just spill words!”
Pretty good advise.
I have one more month to go to see if I can finish strong.
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