Hello there loyal, reader folk, I’ve been away doing what I do.
Know what?
It’s hard trying to maintain website articles and work on my book at the same time, guess I’m gonna have to get faster at typing.
Today’s article is for ‘keeping tab’s’ on your’s truly, ‘The Emerging Man’ and my attempt at figuring out what successful means and is.
Being away from my site, working on my book, I opened my last posted article to get a feel for where I’m at, get a little inspired and consolidate my thoughts for you so I can clearly let you know how it is going.
After all, that is one of my goals, to ‘capture’ successful steps if I take any, that seem to work.
My last article on June 13th 2017 quoted Mr William H Danforth about scheduling dare’s.
“In order to make your dares definite, write them down. Fix a date for their accomplishment.”
I had to laugh. The reason I haven’t made a post is because I am working on my first book scheduled for July 17th.
I have written 3 drafts so far, with the second one getting some help from one of my friends that I have lunch with weekly. The third draft includes her notes and suggestions and has gotten me close to being done. The third draft is waiting for my publisher to have a look at it. We have a scheduled publishing date of July 17th, 2017.
The last few weeks have seen me spending my scheduled writing time and a little extra, on basically learning how to write a book.
It’s funny because I read books all the time, you would think I would know how to put one together, but when it’s your own and you are considering someone else is going to read it, hopefully, you look at it completely differently.
I have learned that I like the process of writing, it is work, like any other job or task and I have done lots of different work, I like the work of writing.
Here is a quick list updating some ‘success’ or ‘private victories’.
- Current personal definition of success
- The thing you do, must fill you up, give you energy, not deplete you, not be a drag.
- Writing
- I can write 1,000 words a day, like Jack London
- Maintain an active website for daily articles
- Completed a book manuscript, publish date 07/17/17
- Health
- Weight – from a high of 198lbs down to 175lbs
- Exercise – a fixed daily morning routine
- Strength training – from zero pull ups to multiple sets, from a 95lb bench to 165lbs for 3 sets
- Diet
- Have attained to 90% removing bad items like, soda, bread, potatoes and ‘extra’ desserts in order to lose body fat
- Current body fat at 20 – 22%, from, well never mind.
- Found you do not have to starve to lose fat.
- Found a work out routine that takes 20 minutes or less a day that shows strength increases.
- Scheduling
- I believe in scheduling as a tool to encourage life changes, using the biblical principle of ‘little by little’.
- Ministering
- I have started to ‘practice’ giving, on purpose, by donating clothes to a local warming shelter.
- My weekly lunch has turned into a mentoring session, but I am learning as much as I am sharing.
- This year I have 3 weddings scheduled (family), I performed a eulogy recently and I started attending some minister classes through a local church.
- And I still have my ‘word of the day’, it is a sharing that I do with co-workers, sharing God’s word daily.
- And today I had a Deacon at my church ask me to pray for a way that I might participate more in my own church. Currently God has appointed me an usher, a door keeper, today’s sermon was on Psalm 84, for the Son’s of Korah, the door keepers of the Temple.
That’s it for now. I hope if you read my stuff it helps to fan the flame in your spirit to evaluate your life, maybe all is good, Bravo!, but if not…
get turning that rudder!
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