scene: the house is dark, the fire place embers are just about out, pan back to a hand grabbing the fire poker, stay on the fire poker as it stirs the embers and another hand comes into view with a small log and places it on the embers and it starts on fire rather quickly, pan up to the father stretching out and rubbing his hands together by the now cheery little fire, as he turns he bumps into his wife and says,
Dad: “You didn’t have to get up.”
Mom: “I know, but I can’t let my boys go out on an empty stomach.”
Dad: “That intuition of yours.”
Mom: “Oh hush. Go wake him up and I’ll start the coffee.”
scene: follow dad upstairs as he makes his way up to his sons room and opens the door, as he looks in he marvels how his son can look so youthful and grown up at the same time and thinks, as he looks at how his son is spilling out of the bed,
Dad: “He needs a bigger bed.”
Dad: as he grabs his sons leg, he half whispers, “Hey, get up.” “Hey! Lets go.”
Son: startled a bit as he was in a deep sleep, like sons do, props himself up, “What’s up, something wrong?”
Dad: “No, your coming with today.” “Lets go.”
Son: “Nice. What about school?”
Dad: “Your my kid. If I want to take you out of school, I’ll take you out of school. Come on, we’re burning daylight.”
scene: the son glances out the window and it is black out, he smiles and swings his legs out of bed.
Son: “What’s that smell?”
Dad: “Mom has breakfast going, lets go.”
Son: “I’m up, I’m up. I’ll be right down.”
scene: dad exits to go downstairs, the son grabs his flannel shirt, jeans and boots and heads down after his father. entering the kitchen he sees his mom at the stove and her and dad are talking,
Dad: “Perfect day for it, how’d you kn… never mind. Get some breakfast in you son, your gonna need it.”
Son: “What are we doing today, I thought you were going this weekend.”
Dad: “The weather is just right, it’s still a little early but we should do okay.”
Son: “I don’t know dad, early season is always a crap shoot.”
scene: mom and dad share another knowing and admiring look as mom places a stack of pancakes on her sons plate.
scene: pancakes are eaten, coffee is poured into two thermoses, sandwiches are packed, some water and a few essentials, like snickers bars. Mom gives out hugs and good lucks and stands and watches as her ‘boys’ go off to the shop and their days adventure.
quick cut to: dad and son are in the truck, the dad is very animated and noticeably excited, the son notices and says,
Son: “Geez dad, your acting like it’s opening day of deer season or something. With it being early where are we headed?”
Dad: “Up North!”
to be continued…
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