Today is Monday November 27th, 2017. I am just back from having the last three weeks off of work.
I’ve had three weeks off before, but the first time was during the worst train derailment in U.S. history…
so I did not really have a choice nor was it planned.
This time around though was different. I have been at my current job for 20 years and have a good chunk of vacation time I can use. This time was planned out… the plan…
take off of work for three weeks and get as much bird hunting in as I could with my dogs. If you have been reading my stuff you’ve read of Gibson the Wonder Dog an Australian Shepherd and his young side kick Laney the Looney Labrador.
It was fun. I’d get up late, you know, around seven a.m. and get the coffee going, have a leisurely breakfast while talking with my wife and then be off to the woods and be hunting by ten a.m. most days.
With it being November the sun sets kinda early so we would be home by suppertime and then I could do the honey-do list.
That also was satisfying as I could take the time needed, not disrupt the household routine and tackle the tasks at hand in metered steps when my wife would leave for work. I replaced some tile in the kitchen and painted the ceiling and I repaired the walls around the tub and shower in the bathroom, after five kids a home starts showing some wear.
I had decided to forego deer season this year after making said repairs to the house and was looking forward to a quiet Thanksgiving week at home and just running and training the dogs.
I was up at the park when I got the call.
One of my older brothers called to let me know our uncle had suddenly passed away that morning.
My first thought went to my aunt, Rosemary, I thought, “Oh no, Rose.”
My brother would be driving past my place so he picked me up and we headed down to see my aunt and cousins…
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