I’ve been wanting to “study” the affect experiencing poverty had on me in one particular area, which is… waiting.
I remember when I was young, and “didn’t” have the money for something… I learned to “just wait”, and “save up”, for it. And would buy it “later”.
I remember “waiting” a lot, because I didn’t have the money, at the time, nor did I have a job that I could save up for it to buy it later.
My “waiting” then amounted to “waiting for it to be over”, whatever the fad of the day was; whatever new album was out; or… even… my own desire; because I just didn’t have the cash.
And then I tried getting a job… I waited for a minute to talk to the guy… he just came out and asked, “How old are you?”
“You need to be fourteen!”
That’s it? No explanation. Nuthin’?
I remember being mad; crying mad; I wanted to work; I wanted my own money; I was ready.
But I hadn’t “increased enough” in age… to qualify for a work permit.
So I had to “wait” some more!
It was a good lesson.
I see a lot of people who can’t wait for anything.
When I would go hunting, even my dad made a comment or two, on my ability to sit still and wait it out in the woods.
While thinking about doing this article, remembering my past, and looking into the affect of poverty on a person… the bible verse… “Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land.” ~ Exodus 23:30
Focusing on the “until you have increased enough to take possession of…”
And this lesson was brought to mind recently while receiving training on a new job duty, that I will be the third back up person for.
Within the time frame given to train, I never did get “comfortable” in the job. I know it was short. I know if I did it every day, I would eventually “get it”.
The thing I focused on was trying to harness my mind and keep it from running wild… KNOWING this would be a short training stint; KNOWING the limited expectations placed on me; KNOWING… now… how my mind reacts to new situations; and KNOWING now… some breathing techniques, knowing about anxiety, knowing that THERE ARE NO REAL LIONS chasing me… my mind didn’t get away… BUT it sure was YANKING ON THE LEASH!
While training, it hit me… “until you have increased enough…”
Now, my mind did not get away from me, I was moving forward learning the job, but it did feel a bit too heavy… I was doing the reps, but I was doing them slow and measured, and couldn’t quite get the full set in. I needed help on a rep or two. Good thing I work with some good guys.
I hadn’t “increased enough” during the training stint to be able to do the job solo.
I’ll have to wait… because now… that particular training stint is over… and who knows when I’ll be asked to cover that job… if ever.
When weight lifting, it’s easy to know when “you’ve increased enough” to move forward in your training.
If you get to stay in a job full time… by day 45… it’s old hat.
On my personal “mental strength & health” journey, experiencing “having increased enough”, requires me to be placed into a STRESSFUL situation… in order for me to try and implement the mental fortitude exercises I have been learning. So when a new situation pops up… I gotta take it on.
My other article, “Quick hide!” noted my experience of my mind trying to use a tactic a 9 year old might use when his parents are fighting. That doesn’t work though for a 50+ year old man who has responsibilities.
“What a wimp… just get over it already.”
“Why do you go on and on about your mental health? That’s just today’s buzz word.”
Here’s why… my whole life has been about waiting for later; we’ll talk later; it will get better later; it will never get better later, you just get used to it; just pretend everything is ok!
That’s why.
I’ve learned talking about it… has made me stronger.
It has… “taken away a flaming arrow of the enemy”… it has taken away the lie of “you aren’t good enough”… it has taken away the lie of “people will be better off with you gone.”
Our mind is just like our biceps… I’ve learned that. Slapping on extra weight for the next level of barbell curls is simple.
Recognizing what our mind needs to “increase” isn’t as simple as slapping on a few Weider 35’s, BUT identifying the weights themselves IS… instead of being stamped Weider; Golds; or Onnit… they will be stamped…
- The Old Man and the Sea
- For Whom the Bell Tolls
- The Art of War
- Meditations
- The Bible
And if you really wanna sweat it out, pick up Shakespeare’s Sonnets… there’s like a 152 of em’… I got one rep so far.
“And when forty winters have besieged thy brow;”
What are you waiting for? It’s your set!
Is it Affect or Effect?
I think your poverty had an effect on your worldview, and it affected you?
Or is it the other way around?