A Journal Entry
Sunday December 4th 2016
@home @my desk @8:12 a.m.
trying to clear my thoughts and focus on Jesus as I start to read Psalm 119.
I had a dream/vision this morning.
I was looking up into the sky and I saw a giant hand come up from behind this cloud and open up –
My first thought was ‘God sending his angels’
but right when I thought that, something shot out of the cloud like a white hot bullet. Then as it slowed a bit it had the outline of an angel.
Cool! angels are real. God is real.
We walk with Jesus, with angels on our shoulders, and a great cloud of witnesses surrounds us, as He has laid his hand upon us.
Psalm 119:46 “I will speak of your statutes before Kings and will not be put to shame, for I delight in your commands because I love them.”
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